Dunedin is abuzz with things edgy and experimental this March. The Film Festival has drawn to a close and the Fringe Festival kicked in. Programmes are readily available in the city's cafes, cinemas, galleries, the library, etc... There are loads of exciting productions, exhibitions, plays and happenings to look forward to.
I'm to be one of twelve presenters participating in the city's inaugural Pecha Kucha event at the Dunedin Public Art Gallery at 8.00PM on Sunday (29 March).
This will definitely require leaving my shy llama at home and calling on my inner lion. It should be fun, though: if you're in town, it would be great if you could come along. So, saying, there's one big frustration and it's this: our really - really - important Stop The Stadium meeting is taking place in the Town Hall from 7.00PM on, on the same night. Eek. How to be in two places at one time? I'll certainly be at the STS gathering for as long as is possible that evening and do hope as many folk as possible will be turn up in protest of the appallingly corrupt, immoral carry-on that's defined the whole stadium process from woe to go. (Or no go, as we're all hoping... ). Those at the forefront of the resistance movement have been such stoics.
'Pecha Kucha is a unique presentation format started by Japanese architecture firm Klein Dytham Architechure in Tokyo in 2003 as a way of bringing designers, artists and creative people together to share their passion and ideas. The idea of Pecha Kucha is to keep presentations concise by only allowing presenters to show 20 images with 20 seconds per image. This equates to 6 minutes and 40 seconds per presentation. Pecha Kucha nights are now held in over 140 cities worldwide and have been established in Auckland, Hamilton, Wellington, Nelson, Christchurch, and now Dunedin.'
Presenters at Dunedin Public Art Gallery - Sunday 29 March, 8.00PM
LUCA HEINS - Industrial Designer, Pecha Kucha NZ founder/Coordinator
GAVIN O'BRIEN - Designer, Lecturer at Otago, University Design dept
JANE VENIS - Sculptor, Polytecnic Design dept
LYNE PRINGLE - Dancer, Bipeds Productions
FELICITY MOLLOY - Pointy Dog Dance (Akld)
PETER ENTWISLE - Historian, arts columnist
TIM HEATH - Architect, Eco Sanctuary
MARTIN KEAN - Design lecturer, publisher
TE RADAR - Comedian
This event is sponsored by the University of Otago, Emersons Beer and Aravin Wines. We would also like to thank the Dunedin Public Art Gallery for hosting the event.
Future Pecha Kucha events
If you or someone you know would be a good candidate for a Pecha Kucha Night presentation, please contact the Fringe Festival by emailing director@dunedinfringe.org.nz For more information and the full Festival programme go to: www.dunedinfringe.org.nz