Wellington-based writer Mary McCallum has started posting poems on her blog each Tuesday. A fortnight ago, she posted This Cup and last Tuesday, Missed; this morning's Mulling it over is by fellow poet Maggie Rainey-Smith.
Mary's keen to make this a communal happening and invites bloggers (who might - or might not - be poets) to join in by posting poetry on Tuesdays. They can be your own, or others'. I'm not sure how reliable I'll be at keeping abreast of Tuesdays (I sometimes don't know what day I'm on!) but I think it's a great idea (thanks, Mary) and... today being a Tuesday, here I am, poem in hand...
I began today by posting a rather melancholy Easter poem but when I found myself having second thoughts about it, decided to set it aside for another time. Here, instead, are a few purely playful lines written in my car on a dusty side road one late Autumn afternoon, out in the wop-wops* somewhere between Dunedin and Christchurch...
Did you know
spiders do their housework
on Tuesdays in Canterbury?
They hang their silk on particles
of dust, a low-slung cloud,
any available hook
of air or charged electron.
Threads are pinned to telephone wires,
shredded vestments shaken out
and strewn to lie across the tops
of orange poplars. By five, the sun
is loosely tacked behind
a thousand spiders'
webs. It's quite a sight
when they turn the night-light
on inside the mountains.

* wop-wops: NZ or Aussie term for 'an out of the way place.'
News of Tuesday's Poem appears to be spreading - so far, poems are up on the following blogs -
& you will always find poetry to read on Cilla McQueen's blog (NZ Poet Laureate)
Graham Beattie has just posted a short entry in support of Tuesday's Poem; you can find that here.
Links will be added as more poems appear...
For readers out there who are poets (of the not-yet blogging variety!), please consider sending in your poems for inclusion on forthcoming Tuesdays? It would be excellent if you'd do that - and everyone will thank you for sharing your work...
My email address is clarab@earthlight.co.nz