Wednesday, June 09, 2010


. . . to two favourite voices. . .


  1. On my lap, the stillness of Arvo Part, outside the exuberant clamour of Australian birds — a good place to start the day, thanks, Claire.

  2. Oh what a wonderful way to start my day! I'm struck by two things - the conversation, as he describes it, between frailty and grace (in a spacious spacious place). And that he was silent for nearly a decade. Silence/ sound..light / dark.. these integral parts, but what courage it must take to let go of the known to embrace the whole. Thanks for this gem clarab.

  3. Don't their two voices make music, P & P? Arvo Part is my absolute hero... certain of his compositions are synonymous with Antarctica for me. I see ice, I hear Arvo xx

  4. very nice taste, I think it was the start of this year that I began listening to Arvo Part's pieces and its great to hear his end of it, thanks for posting..
